Feb 26, 2019
こんにちは! 江戸川区葛西にて、英会話教室を運営しております ケンブリッジ英会話 です!! 本日の記事はDarrenが担当しております TV Dinners and Canned food? TVディナー(冷凍食品)と缶詰について So what do people eat when they have busy schedules and want to eat something quick and easy in the U.K? Well, in general many U.K. homes have more...
Feb 13, 2019
London Transport Afternoon Tea Today’s afternoon tea was all about transport in London. We started the afternoon tea class with a few reminders from last week such as: “Nice to see you”, “Nice to see you again too”, “How are you”? “I’m fine” (Last week we discussed...