
Courtesy of www.imdb.com
1100年前、次にイギリスにやってきたのは、ノルウェーやデンマークなどスカンジナビア諸国のバイキングでした。スカンジナビア由来で英語になった単語は、husband, gun, skate, wing, give, race, leg and skyなどがあります。でも当時の英語は現代話されている英語とは全くちがうものでした。そこに大変化が訪れます。1066年、フランス語を話すノルマン人がイギリスを支配するようになります。フランス語は、「教養ある支配者階級」の言語でした。庶民は「古英語」を話していました。徐々にフランス語と古英語がまざりあって「中世英語」になりました。1066年以来、15世紀後半まで、この中世英語が発展し続けてきました。その後も文法、発音、語彙に変化が加わりながら発展してきました。
ラテン語由来の英単語:long, subway, have, famous, in, language, pirate, transport, me, my, location, quiet, superb, herb
ドイツ語由来の英単語:Poltergeist, Rucksack, Bagel, Dachshund, Hamster, Deli, Noodle, Lager
フランス語由来の英単語:soldier, army, captain, money, judge, art, music, dance, brush, pork, mayonnaise , blue, orange January, March, May cinema, television, oxygen
English Text Follows:
In a world where many languages are spoken, English is often used to communicate and has become the official language of more than 75 countries. Individuals involved in international business, politics, science, medicine or piloting passengers internationally need to be competent at English. Questions that often come up when teaching English are “Where did Modern English come from? Why is it so popular? and How did it develop?
To answer these questions and get some idea of how and why English is like it is, we need to go back in time a bit. Over many hundreds of years the United Kingdom was invaded by other neighbouring countries. Originally the U.K was inhabited by a group known as the Celts who had been there for thousands of years. The first group of invaders had been a German speaking group called the Angles who invaded about 1,500 years ago. They were later joined by a group called the Saxons and the Jutes. Their collective language is known as Old English (also known as Anglo-Saxon). This language is very difficult to understand and very few people are able to read or speak it. There is a famous poem which tells of a great king named Beowulf who fought many monsters and was much loved by his people. It is thought to be the oldest known poem in the U.K. dating back about 1,100 years. In recent years the poem has been made into several movies including an animation: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0442933/ but is really not suitable for children.
The Vikings were the next to arrive around 1,100 years ago from Scandinavian countries such as Norway and Denmark. Over many years their language was incorporated into ‘English’ and many words such as: husband, gun, skate, wing, give, race, leg and sky. That is not to say that Modern English sounds anything like what we know today, but one event had more influence on the English Language than any other. In 1066 the French speaking Normans arrived and became the newest rulers of the U.K. French was considered the language of the ‘educated ruling class’ while the rest of the population continued to speak Old English. As time went on French and Old English became more closely related and became what is often known as Middle English. From 1066 Middle English continued to develop through to the late 15th century. Many changes continued to develop over the years to the grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. With Latin becoming the central language used for government, law and the church. With the invention of the printing press and subsequent printing of texts, more and more words from Latin and Greek were incorporated into the English language; for example even the word ‘Education’ came from Latin. Printing brought about a kind of standardization of English which enabled books to be distributed cheaply and easily. As time progressed Latin, which had been the mainstay of the Catholic Church became increasingly integrated into the English Language with modern English having approximately 60 percent of words having come from Latin origins.
Slowly, during the fifteen hundreds English became the modern language we would recognize today. English speakers today would be able to communicate with English speakers in the last part of the Sixteenth Century. It was during this time that William Shakespeare wrote probably some of the most famous English books; Romeo and Juliet and Richard the Third. In 1607, nine years before Shakespeare’s death the first ships from the South of England landed in Virginia, U.S.A. And so began a new chapter in the development of the English Language. Here are some examples from Latin, German and French:
Latin: long, subway, have, famous, in, language, pirate, transport, me, my, location, quiet, superb, herb
German: Poltergeist, Rucksack, Bagel, Dachshund, Hamster, Deli, Noodle, Lager
French: soldier, army, captain, money, judge, art, music, dance, brush, pork, mayonnaise , blue, orange January, March, May cinema, television, oxygen
In Part 2 we’ll discuss How and Why American and British English have developed differently.
Take Care,