江戸川区葛西にて、英会話教室を運営しております ケンブリッジ英会話 です!!




日本ではお正月に「おせち料理」という特別な食べ物を食べますね。重箱に入ったカラフルなお料理の数々です。おせちも、それぞれの食べ物に特別な意味があるんですよね。たとえば、「まめ」という言葉に「勤勉」とか「健康」といった意味があるので、豆を食べるとか。おせち料理には、今年もみんなが健康に過ごせますようにという願いが込められているんですよね。イギリスでは、25日以降もお祝いは続いていて、12月26日は「ボクシング・デイ」と言います。これはアメリカにはないそうです。昔は、使用人が主人からプレゼントをもらう日だったのだとか。クリスマスの日とボクシング・デイはお店は休みにすることが多いですが、近年ではニューイヤーセールを早めに始めるために営業するお店も増えてきています。アメリカ、イギリス、日本で、クリスマスはずいぶん違いますね。 みなさん、楽しいクリスマスを過ごして、良いお年をお迎えくださいね
How are British, American and Japanese Christmas different?
Many foreigners consider Christmas in the UK to be a time of eating goose, mince pies and drinking sherry (a kind of sweet syrupy drink made from fermented grapes). Many foreigners consider Christmas in the USA to be a time of eating pancakes, bacon, mashed potatoes and thick gravy. Let’s try and set the record straight if only a little. Firstly let’s deal with the language; Americans seem to say “Happy Christmas” while the British use the term “Merry Christmas”. Both countries use the shortened version of ‘Xmas’ although there is some disagreement over its formal use in such things as Christmas cards and letters. The second major difference is the use of many Americans using “Santa Claus” whereas most British use the term “Father Christmas”, especially with children. Japanese commonly use the phrase Santa Claus and most have never heard of the term ‘Father Christmas’ at all, reserving the word ‘Father’ for the family member only.

In the United States preparation for Christmas starts on the day after thanksgiving with shops, restaurants and people’s homes being decorated to the max! Walking down an American street often reveals many homes decorated on the outside with hundreds of lights, nativity scenes etc. Many homes seem to be in competition over who has the most and best lighting set up .Within the U.K. many homes are decorated inside but prefer to limit the external decorations to a few lights sometimes thrown around a bush or tree. Within the U.S and the U.K. Christmas is a National Holiday with many workplaces and schools closed for several days or weeks with the exception of shops of course. Many places cater to the snowy British image of Christmas with Warner Brothers Studios near Leavesden northwest of London being a place to experience the full ‘Harry Potter and Hogwarts ‘spectacle. It’s not far and can be reached by catching a traditional red double decker bus from Watford Junction Station.
In Japan however the situation is quite different with Christmas day being a working day, just like any other with children attending school, people working etc. Japanese homes and temples are decorated for the New Year with Shimekazari (a kind of weaved rope wreath), Kadomatsu (A cut Bamboo with flowers decoration) and Kagami Mochi (A kind of stacked Rice disk decoration which is also edible). Like many Western decorations and traditions each decoration has a symbolic meaning e.g. the disks on Kagami Mochi are said to symbolize the going and coming years, the human heart, “yin” and “yang”, or the moon and the sun.

On Christmas Day itself in the U.K. it is traditional to go to the local pub at lunchtime, usually from 12:00 to 2:00. This is sometimes a whole family outing, including children and the dog. Families return home to have their ‘Christmas Dinner’ (Which is actually Christmas Lunch) after returning from the pub. The table is set and decorated with Christmas Crackers. These are highly decorated tubes with small gifts, a joke, a paper party hat etc inside, and are pulled from both ends by family members. The crackers make a small bang when pulled and whoever gets the longer piece keeps the contents.

The U.K. & U.S. Christmas dinner are very similar for example; Starter- Prawn Cocktail (Prawns served with lettuce, a thousand island style sauce sometimes with added tabasco or ketchup). Main- Turkey, Stuffing (Sage and Onion), Roast Potatoes, Steamed or boiled vegetables such as turnip, swede, brussel sprouts, carrots etc, Yorkshire pudding (an egg and flour based baked dish), Cranberry Sauce, Gravy. Desert- Christmas Pudding (dried fruit and held together with egg, suet sometimes added treacle and spices such as ginger, cinnamon etc) and Mince Pies (Mince pies are a small pie typically made with fruits and spices such as nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon). Usually served with clotted or double cream or ice cream.

Japan’s Christmas dinner is very much Fast Food based with Kentucky Fried Chicken doing a roaring trade. Many stores deliver and orders for delivery often have to be made several weeks in advance. New Year in Japan is the time for a more specialized food selection with Osechi (Traditional Japanese Food with many colorful dishes packed together in boxes called Jubako). Many of the foods have again symbolic meaning, for example; In Japanese, the word for bean, “mame,” also sounds like the word for “hard work and good health.” Eating this food during New Year’s is a symbol of good health for the coming year.

Unlike the United States, the U.K. continues the Christmas celebrations beyond the 25th December and includes the 26th formally known as ‘Boxing Day’. Traditionally it was a day when servants in a household would receive presents from their employers. Many shops are closed on both Christmas Day and Boxing Day although it is becoming more common to see shops opening to get an early start on ‘New Year Sales’.
Whatever the differences between the U.S.A. the U.K. and Japan we hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.