江戸川区葛西にて、英会話教室を運営しております ケンブリッジ英会話 です!!


Stag & Hen Nights?
So before we even have a wedding in the U.K. the bride and groom celebrate their last days of single life separately by having a ‘stag party’ and a ‘hen party’. The groom and his male friends or family members have a night or in some cases a few days partying. The party for the groom is often organized by what is known as the ‘Best Man’. The ‘best man’ is chosen by the groom and can be a close friend or a family member and is responsible for getting the groom to the church on time, holding the wedding rings etc. The bride and her female friends have their hen do in much the same way.

結婚式当日より前に、新郎が新婦のウェディングドレス姿を見ることはbad luck縁起が悪いとされています。(日本では、ドレス選びに彼も同行させられて手持ち無沙汰にしてる様子を見かけたことありますけど、ドレス選びはお母さんとか姉妹とか女友達と行くのがお互いのためかも?)

Bad Luck Superstitions?
It is considered bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her full wedding dress before the wedding and also considered bad luck for the groom to look backwards down the aisle (centre lane of the church).
Wedding 2

花婿は花嫁より先に教会または役所に入ります。教会ではないところで結婚したい人は、ウェディング・センターとか、役所の登録事務所といったところで式を行います。教会は「神様の前で」、役所は「法律の元に」結婚する、という違いです。花嫁は「古いもの」「新しいもの」「借りたもの」「青いもの」を身に付けると幸せになれると信じられていて、これは、ある詩から生まれた説だそうです。花婿は「モーニングスーツ」を着るのが伝統ですが、top hat山高帽をかぶりwaistcoats三つ揃いのベストを着るのが普通だと思われていることが多いです。花嫁のドレスの色やスタイルや儀式においての重要性は、参列者の信仰や慣習によります。花嫁が白いドレスを着るようになったのは19世紀のヴィクトリア女王の時代からです。教会や役所での結婚式はたいていお昼ごろから始まって、小一時間で終わります。新婦の付き人はbridesmaidsブライズ・メイドといい、親しい友達から数人選ばれてお揃いのドレスを着たりします。夫婦となった二人が教会から出発するとき、参列者はコンフェッティという色紙やドライフラワーの花びらを投げます。昔は富と子孫繁栄を象徴するお米が投げられていました。最近ではシャボン玉を吹いたり、コンフェッティとシャボン玉の両方をしたりする人もいます。教会によっては、コンフェッティを禁止しているところもあるようです。お掃除が大変なのと環境問題からです。

Church or Registry Office?
The groom arrives at the church or registry office (Alternative wedding centre if you don’t want to get married in a church) before the bride and waits in front of the ‘nave’ around the altar area of the church. The difference between a church wedding and a registry office wedding is best described as a church wedding is about being married in the eyes of god, while a registry office is being wed in the eyes of the law. Brides normally wear something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. This comes from an old superstition from a poem. The groom traditionally wears a ‘Morning suit’ although it is still seen as the normal thing to men to wear top hats, and waistcoats. The brides colour, style and ceremonial importance of the wedding dress can depend on the religion and culture of the wedding participants. In Western cultures, brides often choose a white wedding dress, which was made popular by Queen Victoria in the 19th century. Wedding ceremonies at the church or registry office usually start around mid-day in the UK and last around 30 minutes to an hour. At many weddings the bride is helped by ‘bridesmaids’ who can range from young girls up to adult women.  When the couple leave the church the guests throw confetti (small pieces of colored paper or dried flower petals). Originally rice was thrown at weddings to symbolize wealth and fertility. Some people have reverted to blowing bubbles or a mixture of confetti and bubbles (although some churches have since forbidden confetti due to the clean-up and environmental concerns.

たいてい、結婚式から数時間あけて披露宴が行われます(夜のパーティー)。おかしな話ですが、披露宴のお料理は「ウェディング・ブレックファスト」と呼ばれます。夕食なのに朝食?これは、新郎新婦は一日何も食べられず、これが今日はじめての食事ということでbreakfast(元の意味は断食明け)と呼ばれるのです。パーティーでは新郎新婦も家族も、飲みます!シャンパンをオレンジジュースで割ったBucks Fizzバックフィズなどを飲んだりします。披露宴で供されるお料理は色々ですが、ウェディングケーキは欠かせません。伝統的にはフルーツケーキを白いマジパン(アーモンドの粉を練ったお菓子)でコーティングし、てっぺんに新郎新婦の人形が飾られます。食事の最後にケーキが出るころにはゲストはみんな満腹になっていて、ケーキは包んで持ち帰ることが多いです。

Wedding Reception (Party)
There are often a few hours between the wedding ceremony and the reception (Evening party). Strangely the reception party food is often known as the ‘wedding breakfast’ due to the fact that historically it would have been the first thing the bride and groom will have eaten all day, hence ‘breakfast’. Alcohol plays a big part of the reception party although many family members and the lucky couple will have probably drunk a few ‘Bucks Fizz’s. (Champagne and Orange Juice). Food at reception parties can vary but always involves ‘Wedding Cake’. The wedding cake is traditionally fruit cake covered in white marzipan icing. The top of the cake is decorated with miniature models of the bride and groom. As the last item of food served at the party is the wedding cake many people are already full and decide to wrap the cake up to take home.


The father of the bride usually makes the first speech wishing the happy couple a happy future together and then the best man often makes his speech at the wedding party, and is often a series of embarrassing stories about the groom. Note that by this point many of the guests are often drunk and happy to take a few minutes to enjoy a good laugh.


Who pays for what, and how much does it cost?
Traditionally, the bride’s family pays for the wedding reception (including the venue, food and drink) while the groom pays for the honeymoon. However, there’s transport and the church or ceremony fees, hen parties and plenty of other costs to factor in. The average wedding in the UK now costs £30,355, (4,400,000 JPY) a new survey has revealed.  National Wedding Survey 2018, the cost of getting married has hit an all-time high, up by £3,365 – or 12 per cent – from £26,989 the previous year.

最近の調査によると、2017年時点で初婚の平均年齢は、女性で27.4歳、男性で29.5歳でした。ちなみに日本はどうかというと、『厚生労働省人口動態調査(2018 年 6 月発表)』によれば、男性31.1歳、女性29.4歳だそうですよ。

What is the average age to get married in the U.K. in 2018?
The average age of marriage right now according to the most recent estimates put the first marriage for women in 2017 at 27.4 years, while for men, it’s slightly older at 29.5 years.


5/26(火) 教室再開に向けて 

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★★江戸川区葛西で英会話★★ いつもありがとうございます。 イギリス英語で話そう!ケンブリッジ英会話 です。...


★★江戸川区葛西で英会話★★ いつもありがとうございます! イギリス英語で話そう!ケンブリッジ英会話 です。...


★★江戸川区葛西で英会話★★ いつもありがとうございます。 イギリス英語で話そう!ケンブリッジ英会話 です。...


★★江戸川区葛西で英会話★★ いつもありがとうございます。 イギリス英語で話そう!ケンブリッジ英会話 です。...

英語で言えますか?3D objects(立体)

★★江戸川区葛西で英会話★★ いつもありがとうございます! イギリス英語で話そう!ケンブリッジ英会話 です。...