江戸川区葛西にて、英会話教室を運営しております ケンブリッジ英会話 です!!



登山は思ったよりハードで、息が上がりながらも私たちは英語で話しました。ところどころ看板があって、この地域の石切りの歴史について、日本語と英語で書かれていました。日本人の友人達には初めての単語もたくさんありました。quarry, quarried, steepなどです。頂上で昼食を取りながら、さらに食べ物の話や、イギリスで買ってきたお菓子のリコリスについて英語で話しました。

リコリスというのは日本人は苦手な人が多いみたいですが、黒くて柔らかいキャンディで、ハイチューみたいな食感です。味と香りに独特の癖があります。リコリスは、Glycyrrhiza glabra という植物の根から取れ、胃の不調を鎮める薬効があります。食あたり、胃炎、胸やけなどに効くと言われています。リコリスの根から抽出したエキスは胃の内膜を修復し、バランスを取り戻します。これはリコリスに含まれるグリチルリチン酸の消炎作用と免疫促進作用によるものです。リコリスは日本人の口には合わないことが多いようですが、味だけでなく見た目も黒くて人工着色料のように見えるし、車のタイヤか消しゴムかLEGOブロックを食べているような気になるのも好きになれない理由かもしれません。日本人の友人たちがリコリスが苦手な理由も十分にわかります!


Quarry 石切り場。建築用の石を切り出すところ。
Quarried 石切りの動詞形。例:The stone was quarried from Nokogiriyama この石は鋸山で採石された。
Steep 階段や山の斜面の勾配が急なこと。例:This hill is very steep (difficult to climb). この丘の斜面はとても急だ(上るのが大変)
Liquorice (U.K. Spelling) Licorice (U.S.A Spelling) イギリスとアメリカでスペルが違います。
Cliff 崖
Cliff face 崖の垂直面
Cliff edge 崖っぷち

Speaking English and trying Liquorice outdoors?
Many English lessons are held indoors, in classrooms, restaurants or coffee shops. When you first learn t to speak or use your native language, did you spend your time in a classroom with books and worksheets, probably not! Or did you spend time playing or doing activities in the park, on the streets or in your garden with friends and family? There is no better way for acquiring language than being immersed in an environment where using that language in a relevant and appropriate way to describe your surroundings, thoughts and needs. We acquire language through listening and imitating what we hear. So, this weekend we headed for the mountains east of Tokyo with a small group of Japanese adults studying English. Previously we had practiced making imaginary phone calls to friends who had not arrived at the scheduled meeting place on time. Several of us headed down to Nokogiri-Yama by train while others headed down by car accompanied by the dog.  We had all made the commitment to use English for the entirety of the day. Greetings, discussions on route plans, local shops and places to buy lunchtime food as well as maps were all discussed in English.

The climbing was harder than we thought and through heaving chests we continued to talk in English. Occasionally we came across descriptive boards explaining the areas history as a stone quarry written in both English and Japanese. There were many new words for our Japanese friends including; quarry, quarried, steep etc. Having reached the summit we shared more conversation in English about our food and a kind of sweet brought over from the U.K. which many Japanese don’t enjoy. Liquorice is a soft black type of candy with a strong flavor and smell. Liqourice, which comes from the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra plant apparently soothes your stomach. Liquorice root is used to soothe gastrointestinal problems. In cases of food poisoning, stomach ulcers, and heartburn, liquorice root extract can speed the repair of stomach lining and restore balance.

This is due to the anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties of glycyrrhizic acid. Liquorice is generally disliked by Japanese and although Liquorice is mixed with other ingredients including colorings, the black ones especially can look very artificial and reminded some of car tires, erasers or LEGO plastic bricks. Understandably several of our Japanese friends were not too keen on the liquorice! After climbing for several hours and having lunch we headed down to a giant seated Buddha statue situated on the side of the mountain. As it turned out our English speaking friends told us that the statue was only constructed about 50 years ago but looked much older. It was a hard climb up the mountain and heading down we decided to use the ropeway which gave us a wonderful view of the bay and mountains beyond. Saying goodbye to our friends at the train station we all headed home for a welcome rest!

Quarry– A large area where stone, sand etc is dug out of the ground from the surface for building purposes.
Quarried– The verb use of the above area. e.g- The stone was quarried from Nokogiriyama.
Steep– Usually a set of steps, a hill or mountain face that is at a very high angle e.g. this hill is very steep (difficult to climb).
Liquorice (U.K. Spelling) Licorice (U.S.A Spelling)
Cliff– A place where the land meets the sea, usually a nearly vertical wall of rock dropping down to the sea.
Cliff face– The vertical rock area of the cliff.
Cliff edge– The top edge of the cliff.

